What Do We Touch?
The Samdokai (The Harmony of Difference and Equality), a poem by the eighth-century Zen master Sekito Kisen, explores the concept of “branching streams that flow in the darkness” and an urging for those who study the mystery to not waste time.
Through direct experience, questions arise such as “what do we touch and what touches us?” When inquiry and response arise together, what do we open to and what opens us? Somewhere, beneath the surface, an intermingling of experiences occurs; causes and conditions lead up to this moment in time and space. Past, present and future are not separate, nor is the process linear.
Mining the unconscious involves identifying patterns and habits, searching for something that cannot be named, and finding along the way timelessness, transparency and impermanence. The process of making becomes an archeological dig; the exploration of entangled and transparent layers. We have an opportunity to gain an intimate understanding of what is most important. Don’t waste time.
Edie Brown has worked with dyeing and surface design since 1996. She first exhibited her work in 2003 and was included in the Surface Design Association Review 2007. Brown is also a registered nurse with a Master’s Degree in Public Health. As “branching streams flow in the darkness”, she continues to explore the intersections of working in healthcare systems, practicing Zen, and speaking in cloth. Compelled to go deeper and be challenged further, her journey continues in the effort to discover visual language for invisible concepts and to think spatially as well as spaciously about fiber.
Hi I think Barry and I met you in Kansas City or another surface design workshop. Enjoyed seeing your work. We still work in cloth but not as much as you do. We were the anesthetist and RN couple if you remember. Got a third place in the Des Moines quilt show with "The Zen Chicken or can you find the Egyptian Rabbit with sunglasses?" Linda Spreen