The Best Season
This series is inspired by a poem by Wu-Men, a Zen master.
Ten thousand flowers in spring,
The moon in autumn,
A cool breeze in summer,
Snow in winter.
When your mind isn’t clouded by unnecessary things,
This is the best season of your life.
My intention is not only to represent the literal meaning of the words, but also the feelings of peace and contentment that result from living in the present moment. This series is also informed by the importance of meditation and reflection in my life. The process by which I create also emphasizes quiet reflection and connection to the wisdom within. Prior to creating a piece, I meditate on what I am trying to achieve. At the beginning of each work session, I focus on my intention. Then as I work, I remain open to intuition and the flow of creativity during the process. Working in this manner gives me a strong sense of joy and inner peace. It is my intent to inspire that feeling in those who view my work.
Lisa Kerpoe is an award-winning artist and facilitator. Her work has been exhibited both nationally and internationally. Her latest series focuses on the feelings of peace and contentment that result from living in the present moment and the importance of meditation and reflection in her life. Her intention is to inspire those feelings in those who view her work. Kerpoe produced two instructional DVDs in 2010 - Vibrant Color (with Jane Dunnewold) and Irresistible Texture. She has also written a book on water-based resists to be released by C&T Publishing. (Spring 2012). Kerpoe is an adjunct faculty member at the Southwest School of Art in San Antonio, Texas, and teaches textile and surface design workshops across the United States. Kerpoe was juried into the ArtCloth Network in 2008 and is a member of the Fiber Artists of San Antonio.
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